Social Tipping Point Strategy to avert physical tipping points

Supplement to the letter to the Dutch forming government, miss Hamers, “informateur”.

> Letter to the Dutch forming government

> Pressrelease

The Problem

Physical tipping points amplify warming

“Antarctica is headed for a climate tipping point by 2060, with catastrophic melting if carbon emissions aren’t cut quickly.”

The Conversation, 17mei 2021


“Greenland ice sheet on brink of major tipping point, says study. Scientists say ice equivalent to 1-2 metres of sea level rise is probably already doomed to melt.”

The Guardian, 17 mei 2021

Taking CO2 out of the air cannot prevent Antarctica from melting. Technology that has yet to be invented or won’t be green for another ten to twenty years can’t protect us. By then, the earth will have warmed so much that tipping points in the climate system will amplify the warming by themselves.

It was Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber of the Potsdam Institute who first warned of “tipping points” in the Earth’s climate system; tipping points created by climate change, whereby global warming reinforces itself. The best known tipping point is that of the polar caps. If climate change causes the vast white surface of the polar caps to melt, solar rays that are now reflecting back into space will be absorbed into darker seas. This means that the earth is warming faster. This warming is in addition to that of the greenhouse effect that we humans cause and in turn sets in motion new tipping points that cause temperatures to rise even further. When that happens, humans can no longer influence climate change. It will be out of our hands and we will have no choice but to protect society from the damage. This is, in short, the scenario that the Paris Agreement is trying to prevent by limiting the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The Solution

“The question at a global systems level today is not whether humanity will transition away from fossil fuels. The question is: Will we do it fast enough? Effective planetary stewardship requires updating our Holocene mindset. We must act on the urgency, the scale, and the interconnectivity between us and our home, planet Earth. More than anything, planetary stewardship will be facilitated by enhancing social capital — building trust within societies and between societies.

Statement by 15 Nobel-price winners and many scientists at April 29th 2021

Social tipping points can turn the tide

The physical tipping points are not to be cheerful about, especially since the first tipping points have already come into effect. But we can still turn the tide, even if the time left to us is getting shorter and shorter. In the coming years, we must reduce more greenhouse gases every year. This is an unprecedented task, especially since greenhouse gases are currently increasing by 0 to 2% per year. But it can be done. And the good news is: it does not require the development of new, expensive technology. Professor Schellnhuber pins his hopes on social tipping points. “The only way to beat the ever-accelerating climate change,” the professor says, “is with ever-accelerating changes in society.” For, like physical tipping points, social phenomena can also trigger a self-reinforcing acceleration. The moment multiple social tipping points start reinforcing each other and lead to structural change, the professor says, we can get ahead of the tipping points in the physical world. It accelerates an equitable transition. / Schellnhuber vanaf ongeveer minuut 6, minuut 17 over Titanic, rond 19 over belang social tipping points / Ilona Otto vanaf ongeveer minuut 51



social tipping point measures

Schellnhauer’s colleague at the Potsdam Institute, Professor Ilona Otto, published in the scientific journal PNAS about social tipping point measures that can accelerate technological developments, greenhouse gas reductions and social acceptance, thereby preventing runaway climate change. She writes explicitly that technological development will probably play an important role, but explicitly not in the sense of technology that has yet to be invented. The key lies more in existing technology that becomes cheaper.

A few examples from the article the undersigned are working for:

1: Divest-invest

Divest and reinvest: shifts in the energy market that make investments in fossil fuel extraction unprofitable and unattractive

Divestment is the social tipping point measure that Otto believes can have the fastest effect, as early as one hour. If pension funds and public and private banks publicly decide to exclude fossil companies from their investment portfolios, new investments become more expensive for the fossil industry and interest in investing in polluting activities decreases. The demand for sustainable investments is also growing. If investors also invest the money in sustainable solutions, this movement will accelerate. DNB argues that the damage caused by climate change should be taken into account in investment policy. The International Energy Agency (IEA) argues that investments in new projects to extract coal, oil and gas must come to an end. In the Netherlands, Greenpeace is increasing the pressure on banks. ABP Fossielvrij and Groen Pensioen are increasing the pressure on Dutch pension funds.

We ask the new cabinet: 

to accelerate the social tipping point by obliging public and private banks and pension funds to divest from the fossil industry and to reinvest that money in social and/or green projects and businesses.

2: End all fossil fuel subsidies

Ending fossil fuel subsidies: fast price drops and scaling up existing sustainable technology

Still more subsidies go to the fossil industry than to climate policy. The Dutch government even increased the subsidy for gas production in December 2020. Subsidies to the fossil industry give a harmful industry an unwanted and unfair advantage in the market. If these subsidies are abolished and if that amount is partly invested in the clean solutions that already exist, fossil fuel becomes more expensive and climate-friendly alternatives cheaper. That could trigger an acceleration in technological development that, according to Otto’s article, could reduce global greenhouse gases by 4.4% to 21% annually. Oil Change International has calculated that if the Netherlands immediately starts abolishing fossil subsidies and then reinvests 20% in energy efficiency, 10% in renewable energy and 50% in social safety nets, this could already reduce Dutch emissions by 7.7% by 2025. In this way, both climate change and social inequality can be fought without extra costs, according to Oil Change International. This is partly why Both Ends, Greenpeace, Milieudefensie, Oil Change International and Extinction Rebellion are campaigning against fossil subsidies.

We are asking the new cabinet:

to accelerate the social tipping point by stopping fossil subsidies and investing the billions that are released as a result in sustainable developments. The Netherlands has joined the Friends of fossil fuel subsidy reform group May 19, 2021 – a club of countries promoting the end of fossil subsidies. We expect NL, as a new member of the coalition, to take quick action to stop Dutch subsidies.

3: Climate education

Climate education: knowledge, shifting norms and values, and growth of social support

Climate education is now often incidental, teacher-dependent, or even derived from the fossil industry. The current Dutch curriculum is outdated and not up to date; it has not changed since 2007. Climate and sustainability deserve a fundamental place in the curriculum but also in the operations and the building of the school. At the same time, research shows that lack of knowledge about climate change prevents people from taking action for the climate. Good and independent climate education can have a direct effect on students as well as on their families and social environment. Moreover, a social tipping point can arise as soon as climate-conscious students enter the labor market, including in decisive and political positions. That is why the Dutch Academy for Sustainable Education, Teachers for Climate, Youth for Climate and Fridays for Future advocate independent climate education.

We ask the new cabinet: 

to accelerate this social tipping point by giving climate and sustainability for both current and future generations as well as non-human life a fundamental place in the curriculum and the operations and building of the school. This education must be independent.

4: Ban on fossil fuel advertising

Banning fossil fuel advertising: shifting norms and values and growing social support

A ban on fossil fuel advertisements is mentioned under the heading of “restrictions on the fossil industry” that can bring about a societal shift. An advertising ban de-normalizes the fossil industry and the use of fossil fuel for air travel and fuel cars and thus changes social norms. That a ban on fossil advertising is a social tipping point measure illustrates Amsterdam’s decision to ban fossil advertising. That news went around the world and since then many cities at home and abroad want the same. That is why Fossil Free Advertising and Greenpeace call for a nationwide ban on fossil advertising.

We ask the new cabinet:

to accelerate this social tipping point with a law that bans advertising, sponsoring and marketing for the fossil fuel industry, air travel and polluting cars. Just as advertising for tobacco is banned.

5: Decentralization of the energy system

Decentralization of the energy system: mutual exchange of energy, fair energy tax system and prevention of fossil lock-in

Another promising social tipping point, according to Otto, is the decentralization of energy. If the government enables citizens to regulate their own electricity and heat, this will result in 100% reductions locally. New investments in fossil infrastructure must be stopped in order to prevent a so-called ‘lock-in’. Otherwise society will be stuck with fossil fuels for decades to come. That is why The Hague Fossil Free is campaigning against the construction of a pipeline that would deliver heat from the fossil industry to homes in The Hague. Urgenda has been making houses energy-neutral for almost 10 years now, and is running up against a shortage of technical people and capacity shortages at network companies.

We are asking the new cabinet:

to accelerate this social tipping point by also setting up cooperative legislation for heat and electricity, focusing on local sustainable heat and electricity and systems through which citizens can exchange this energy. In addition, there should be no more tax breaks for large-scale energy consumers (equal treatment) and flexible tax rates for the storage of heat and electricity. We also ask the government for measures that increase the potential of green suppliers. They play a key role in the green movement by investing in local energy projects, stimulating local ownership and contributing to the professionalization of energy cooperatives.

Self-reinforcing effect

Each of the proposed measures has an effect. And with each additional social tipping point measure, that effect is amplified. That is the power of social tipping point measures. For example, the effect of climate education is strengthened by a ban on fossil advertising, lawsuits and other prohibitions against the fossil industry. It also works the other way around: Otto warns that the rapid effect of divestment evaporates if fossil subsidies remain in place and if social norms and values do not change. Then the basis on which the quick divestment success can be grounded will be missing.

The added value of a Social Tipping Point Strategy – over separate measures – is therefore that they reinforce each other. In this letter we mention only a few of the many social tipping point interventions from the article by Otto et al.

Some others include:

  • Growing perceptions that fossil fuel is immoral. The realization that the choices we make in the Netherlands are already threatening the existence of people and nature in places where fossil fuel is extracted. Moreover, climate change hits people hardest in countries that have contributed the least to climate change themselves and also do not have the money to protect themselves against its effects.
    The same goes for people who have not yet been born, ecosystems and animals. Otto writes that history has shown that social and moral norms can influence human behavior on a large scale, for example in the abolition of slavery.
  • put the responsibility for circularity on the producer
  • mandatory climate label that lists the climate damage of each product or service
  • another way of measuring economic success
  • grassroots movements that organize protest
  • sustainable building and a different organization of municipalities
  • convincing narratives also about the indigenous perspective on nature

Otto sees both potential and evidence in the rapidly growing global grassroots movements such as Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion that social norms and values are already shifting. DeGoedeZaak and Grandparents for Climate are also working toward such a tipping point.

our call

on the new cabinet

We desperately need the government to reach social tipping points

Many initiatives that can set social tipping points in motion come from society as yet. For example, none of the above interventions for which the undersigned advocates are government policies. What’s more, the government unfortunately still sees the ‘most scrappy’ fossil industry as a partner and even invited them as a shining example of change on the very first National Climate Day, while study after study shows that they are nowhere near in line with the Paris targets.

In climate policy, the government also tends to favor technology that is only achievable or sustainable in the long term. But the tipping points in the climate system do not give us room to wait for new technological promises that will only come to market in twenty years. If we do nothing now, we will be out of control within a decade. Nor do we have the luxury of leaving a social snowball effect to NGOs and grassroots movements with volunteers.

We need the central government to accelerate the technology that is already there.

We need the central government to accelerate the technology that is already there. We need the new cabinet to use strategic and effective policies to set social tipping points in motion that will ensure (with technological and social change) that the Paris goal of 1.5C degrees will be achieved.

Derk Loorbach (professor of socio-economic transitions at DRIFT and signatory of this letter), adds that the government can capitalize on events such as the earthquakes in Groningen to implement changes rather than slowing them down: “I call on the government to take climate science seriously and thus be more ambitious. The government should design policy in such a way that it anticipates momentum. Then it can use the event to take a step forward. Also, the government should push through the measures mentioned above, starting with banning fossil advertising.”

Opportunity for integrated climate policy without a price tag

Precisely because social tipping points become more effective when they reinforce each other, this offers the government a great opportunity to design smart, integrated and coherent policies to meet the Paris goal. Moreover, unlike, for example, CO2 storage under the North Sea, social tipping point measures are often climate measures that do not carry a price tag and sometimes even generate money. Abolishing fossil subsidies frees up billions that can be directly invested in climate-friendly solutions, such as a decentralized energy system. A ban on fossil advertising, climate education and climate labels save money because they prevent emissions and also increase support for climate policies. The good news is that many political parties have already included separate social tipping point measures in their recent election manifestos; abolishing fossil subsidies, banning fossil advertising, climate education, divestment.

The Hague is also ready for it!

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Wetenschap en hogescholen




Professoren, op persoonlijke titel

  • prof. dr. Noelle Aarts | socio-ecologische interacties | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  • prof. dr. ir. Conny Bakker | Industrieel Ontwerpen | TU Delft
  • prof. dr. Denny Borsboom | directeur Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre
  • prof. dr. René ten Bos | filosoof | Radboud Universiteit
  • prof. dr. Geert Buelens | schrijver | hoogleraar Moderne Nederlandse Letterkunde | Universiteit Utrecht
  • prof. dr. ir. Andy van den Dobbelsteen | coördinator duurzaamheid | TU Delft
  • prof. dr. Josee van Eijndhoven | hoogleraar (em) Sustainability Management | Erasmus Universiteit | Voorzitter Duursaam Benoordenhout
  • prof. dr. ir. Thea Hilhorst | hoogleraar Humanitarian Aid | Institute for Social Science ISS / Erasmus University
  • prof. dr. Klaas Landsman | mathematical physics | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  • prof. dr. ir. Theo van der Meer | Emeritus prof. Thermische Werktuigbouwkunde | Universiteit Twente
  • prof. dr. mr. Hans van Meerten | professor Europees pensioenrecht Universiteit Utrecht | advocaat, consultant en lid van OPSG / EIOPA
  • prof. dr. Lars Moratis | lector | Breda University of Applied Sciences & Antwerp Management School
  • prof. dr. J.B. Opschoor | hoogleraar (em) economie van duurzame ontwikkeling |  oud-rector Institute of Social Science Den Haag
  • prof. dr. Ilona Otto | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • prof. dr. Theunis Piersma | hoogleraar Trekvogelecologie | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |  waddenonderzoeker bij Koninklijk NIOZ-Texel
  • prof. dr. Jan Rotmans | hoogleraar Transitiekunde | Erasmus Universiteit
  • prof dr. Irene van Staveren | hoogleraar of development economics | Institute for Social Studies - Erasmus Universiteit
  • prof. dr. ir. Paul Struik | Hoogleraar gewasfysiologie | Wageningen University and Research
  • prof. dr. ir. Pier Vellinga | hoogleraar klimaatverandering en maatschappelijke implicaties | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • prof. dr. Nanda Verhoeven-Duif |Hoogleraar diagnostiek metabole ziekten | UMC Utrecht
  • prof. dr. Roos Vonk | hoogleraar sociale psychologie | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  • prof. dr. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius |hoogleraar ICT & Recht | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Wetenschappers, promovendi, studenten op persoonlijke titel

  • dr. Wolmet Barendregt | Lecturer | TU Eindhoven
  • dr. Anneke Batenburg | onderzoeker atmosfeerchemie
  • Wieke Blaauw | Senior Policy Officer | Institute for Social Science - Erasmus Universiteit
  • dr. Tessa Blanken | postdoc onderzoeker | Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • dr. Jan Willem Bolderdijk | professor | Amsterdam Business School
  • dr. Cameron Brick | assistant professor | Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Bart de Bruin| PhD candidate 'Fostering social tipping to Accelerate Sustainable Transitions' (FAST) | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • Joran Buwalda | Student Science communication & Environment and resource management
  • dr. Roger Cremades Rodeja | co-auteur Social Tipping Points for Stabilizing Earth's Climate | Wageningen University
  • Lieke Dreijerink | Student duurzaam gedrag | WUR
  • dr. Martin Drenthen | universitair hoofddocent Milieufilosofie | Radboud Universiteit
  • dr. ir. Martijn Duineveld | universitair hoofddocent | WUR
  • mr. drs. J.W. Egtberts | phd student | Open Universiteit Nederland
  • drs. Diederick van den Ende | Docent | Universiteit Utrecht
  • dr. Yuri Engelhardt | universitair docent datavisualisatie | Universiteit Twente
  • dr. ir. Sanli Faez | natuurkundige | Universiteit Utrecht
  • Koen van der Gaast | onderzoeker voedseltransitie | Wageningen Universiteit
  • dr. Bob Geldermans Msc. | assistant professor | Onderzoek naar Climate Design & Sustainability | TU Delft

Wetenschappers, promovendi, studenten op persoonlijke titel (vervolg)

  • dr. Petra de Goeij | bioloog | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • dr. Michel Handgraaf | Onderzoeker Environmental Decision Making | AMS Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions & Wageningen Universiteit
  • Jonne Harmsma | Centrum voor Parlementaire Geschiedenis
  • dr. ir. Ignas Heitkönig | universitair docent | WUR
  • Muriel Heldring | Leiden Universiteit
  • Nina Hertoghs | Scientist Rebellion
  • dr. Thomas Hoppe I universitair hoofddocent | faculteit TBM |TU Delft
  • Vatan Hüzeir | wetenschapper | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
  • Chris Julien | PhD Onderzoeker
  • dr. Leo van Kampenhout | Scientists4Future NL
  • dr. Clemens Kaupa | assistant professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | onderzoek naar klimaatwetgeving
  • Sabine Kerssens | student Systems Engineering
  • mr. Ingrid van der Klooster | Universitair docent | Sustainable Finance Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
  • dr. ir. Jeroen Kluck | lector water in en om de stad / stedelijke klimaatadaptatie | Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Emmanuella Kyeremaa | MA student
  • dr. Maarten Loonen | Arctisch Centrum Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • Emma Maasland | Coördinator Universiteit Utrecht
  • Tjitse van der Molen | University of California, Santa Barbara | Graduat Student Systems Neuroscience
  • dr. Niek Mouter | assistant professor | Government Project Appraisal  | TU Delft
  • Renée Nicolai | MA student Environmental Psychology
  • ir. Arthur Oldeman | klimaatwetenschapper UU | Scientists4Future NL
  • Ludo van Oyen | gastdocent |Institute of Environmental Science | Leiden Universiteit
  • dr. Esther Parigger | hoofddocent Duurzaam gedrag | Toegepaste Psychologie  | Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Annette Pelkmans-Balaoing | Senior Research Associate (PhD), RSM
  • Remko van der Pluijm | Hogeschooldocent/docent onderzoeker betekeniseconomie | Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • dr. Peter Roessingh | assistant professor | Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Lucas Rutting | Copernicus Instituut voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling
  • dr. Disa Sauter | associate professor of psychology | Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • dr. Annette Scheepstra | Arctisch Centrum | RUG
  • dr. Marjan Smeulders | microbioloog | Radboud Universiteit
  • dr. Benjamin Sprecher | universitair docent | TU Delft | Industrieel Ontwerpen
  • Frits Steenhuisen | Arctisch Centrum Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • dr. ir. Marjan Stuiver | Programmaleider Groene Steden | Wageningen University and Research
  • dr. Yvonne Verkuil | moleculair ecoloog | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • dr. Joost Vervoort | Associate Professor of Foresight and Anticipatory Governance | Copernicus Instituut voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling | Universiteit Utrecht
  • Oscar van Vliet | Onderzoeker energietransitie en subsidieadviseur ETH Zurch en Universiteit Utrecht
  • dr. Hugo Mattieu Visser | Senior Research Scientist (PhD Applied Physics)
  • Helena Voetterl | PhD Kandidaat
  • dr. Jan Westerweel | Geoloog | Université de Rennes
  • Emma Zuiderveen | promovendus

Lectoren, docenten en onderzoekers van hogescholen

  • dr. Selçuk Balamir | Willem de Kooning Academie
  • Marije van Bommel | docent Herman Brood Academie
  • Philippa Collin, Hogeschool InHolland
  • Ilse Duijvestein | Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Christianne Heselmans | Fontys Hogescholen - Academy for Creative Industries | docent & onderzoeker Sustainable Futures
  • Ruben Jacobs | socioloog en schrijver | Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
  • dr. ir. Lisette Klok | onderzoeker/docent stedelijke klimaatadaptatie | Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Loes Kreemers | Gedragswetenschapper duurzaam gedrag |  lectoraat psychologie voor een duurzame stad | Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Gudo Nollen | Opleidingsadviseur |HvA
  • dr. Reint Jan Renes | lector | psychologie voor een duurzame stad | Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Linda Ris | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein
  • dr. Jaap van der Stel | lector | GGZ Hogeschool Leiden | onderzoek klimaat en gezondheid
  • Iris Sutherland- Van den Heuvel | Docent Medisch Beeldvormende & Radiotherapeutische Technieken | Hogeschool InHolland
  • Marten Valk | Bouwadviseur | docent hoger onderwijs
  • dr. Oane Visser | dr. associate professor in agrarian studies ISS Erasmus Universiteit
  • Felix van Vugt | docent lerarenopleiding VO | Hogeschool Utrecht
  • Andries Zoutendijk | docent politieacademie

Culturele, creatieve sector en media


Op persoonlijke titel

  • Nelson Addo | conservator a.i. Multatuli Museum
  • Jan-Willem Anker | auteur
  • Etienne Baileau | journalist
  • Ben Baudion | architect
  • Sunny Bergman | filmmaker | schrijver | activist
  • Hanna Bervoets | schrijver
  • Sanne Bijker | Muzikant
  • Gerda Blees | schrijver
  • Arnold de Boer | muzikant
  • Jelmer Boersma | landschapsarchitect gemeente Rotterdam
  • Lex Bohlmeijer | programmamaker
  • Suzan Bosch | Zelfstandig kunstenaar / sociaal vernieuwer
  • Tsead Bruinja | dichter
  • Aurelia van der Burght | visual artist
  • Annelie David | dichter
  • Ida Dijkstra | Social designer, beeldend kunstenaar, docent
  • Chihiro Geuzebroek | filmmaker | public speaker
  • Selby Gildemachter | Kunstenaar
  • Renske de Greef | auteur
  • Sylvie Goeman | Beeldend Kunstenaar en Founder KustArt, Esterenburch
  • Babs Gons | schrijver | performer
  • Maria Goos | schrijfster
  • Katja Herbers | actrice
  • Gon Hoefsloot | componist | performer
  • Jennifer Hoffman | actrice
  • Liset Horsten | muzikant
  • Twan Huys | journalist
  • Mijke de Jong | regisseur
  • Heidi Koren | stadsdichter Nijmegen
  • Pauline van der Kolk | zakelijk leider Loods 13
  • Bas Kwakman | auteur | uitgever | Radicale Vriendschap, poëzie en activisme
  • Nynke Laverman | singer/songwriter
  • Suzana Lopes da Silva | architect
  • Ria Marks | theatermaker
  • Lieke Marsman | dichter des vaderlands
  • Ruben van der Meer | acteur
  • Thomas Möhlmann | dichter
  • Ramsey Nasr | schrijver | dichter | acteur
  • Martine Nijhoff | schrijver
  • P. NIspen | schrijver en onderzoeker
  • Anniek Pheifer | actrice
  • Esther Polak, Kunstenaarsduo PolakVanBekkum
  • Robert Rosendal | Initiatiefnemer Kunst en Landschap Noord Nederland

Op persoonlijke titel (vervolg)

  • Sytze Pruiksma | componist | muzikant
  • Monique Remmelzwaai | regeneratief designer
  • Thekla Reuten | actrice
  • dr. Jonas Staal | kunstenaar | mede-oprichter Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC)
  • Koos Terpstra | schrijver | regisseur
  • Waldemar Torenstra | acteur
  • Merlijn Twaalfhoven | componist
  • Georgina Verbaan | actrice
  • Marjon van Weersch | redacteur, journalist
  • Stefanie Wels | anti-modeontwerper
  • Florian Wolff | muzikant & docent
  • M. van Zeeland | schrijver


    Financieel, juridisch, politiek, zorg en onderwijs


    Financieel, juridisch, advies, denkers op persoonlijke titel

    • Christiaan Alberdingk Thijm | jurist & auteur
    • Peter Blom, oud-CEO/voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur Triodos Bank
    • Maarten Bunnik | klimaatfinancier
    • Linda van Denderen | praktisch filosoof
    • Ronald van Es | filosoof
    • Nelleke Henneman | consultant
    • Yvonne van Hoof | manager duurzame financieringen
    • Lieneke Knuyt | projectmanager duurzaamheid Post NL
    • Ernst-Jan Kuiper | gepromoveerd klimatoloog
    • Adriaen Luijks | eindredacteur MeJudice
    • George van der Meulen | docent Economie
    • mr. Madeleen Mulder | jurist, wayfinder and purpose activator
    • Sjoera Nas | privacy-adviseur
    • dr. Channa Samkalden | mensenrechtenadvocaat
    • dr. Willem Schramade | Sustainable Finance Factory
    • dr. Magda Smink | onderzoeker/adviseur lobby in duurzaamheidstransities
    • Martijntje Smit | techniekfilosoof en onderzoeker
    • Hans Stegeman | econoom | columnist
    • dr. Ben Tiggelaar | auteur en gedragswetenschapper
    • dr. Machteld Vonk | jurist



    Op persoonlijke titel

    • Ger van Eeden | Volt NL & Volt EU
    • Jan Hoekema | change manager en oud-Tweede Kamerlid voor D66 en oud-burgemeester van Wassenaar
    • Klaas Hoekstra | Afdelingsvoorzitter GroenLinks Lochem
    • Alman Metten | onderzoeker | oud-lid Europees Parlement
    • Melissa Oosterbroek | raadslid GroenLinks Haarlem en ondernemer
    • Lammert van Raan | Kamerlid Partij voor de Dieren
    • Jan Pronk | oud-minister van VROM
    • Natascha Stroo | Raadslid Zaanstad
    • Henk Zandvliet | Fractievoorzitter GroenLinks De Bilt

    Onderwijs, sport, zorg en welzijn


    Op persoonlijke titel

    • Richard Abbenhuis | verpleegkundige
    • Patricia Aerts |TopTeamWerk
    • Daan Beens | GZ-psycholoog
    • Sonja Bleeker | Docent
    • Lieke Borkent-de Zeeuw | Nationale Media Coach
    • Amber ten Buuren | student geneeskunde UU
    • Dr. Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens | Specialist Laboratoriumgeneeskunde klinische chemie
    • Marjolijn Duijvestein | Maag-, Darm- en Leverarts | Radboud UMC
    • Anita Ebbing | welzijnswerker en ruimtelijk vormgever
    • Annemieke Ederzeel | psycholoog
    • Jobke Janmaat | student geneeskunde UU
    • Sanne Jansen | uroloog UMCU
    • Henk Jense | docent
    • Marc Gehrels | Sociaal ondernemer
    • Pauline de Graaf | Huisarts
    • Doortje 't Hart | Facilitator van verbinding
    • Fenna Heyning | directeur in de zorg
    • Anna Hinze | psychiater | psycholoog | coach
    • Talitha Hoppe | GreenTeamOK, operatie assistent
    • Jan van der Kamp | Heath Systems Innovations
    • Marcel Kerkhoven | Huisarts
    • Esther Korteweg | dierenarts
    • Christine Kuiper | sr. kennismedewerker Movisie
    • Julia Lampe-Van den Dool |Pediatrisch echocardiografist |UMC Utrecht-Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis
    • Caroline Lekkerkerker | student geneeskunde UU
    • Tessa Mathijsen | docent Nederlands
    • Mark Ooijevaar | Schaatser | Totaalplan spoor
    • Nynke Postma | Anesthesioloog - intensivist
    • Pia Putman | mantelzorgconsulent en communicatietrainer
    • Anniek Reinhold | Arts infectieziektebestrijding, maatschappij en gezondheid, planetary health
    • Carry Rosenblatt Limpens |samenwerkplaatsen
    • Jan Albert Slurink | docent middelbare school
    • Ernest Smeet | zorgmedewerker
    • Eric Stam | docent beroepsopleiding
    • Jorieke van der Stelt | Arts Internationale Gezondheid io
    • Yvette Stevens | Psycholoog | filosoof
    • Etske Thie | leerkracht
    • Margarita Tukker | arts
    • Marten Valk | docent hoger onderwijs, onderwijsontwikkelaar
    • Lize Vandenberghe | Ecopedagoog, ecopsycholoog io
    • Elsie ten Veldhuijs | opvoedkundige
    • Petra Verdonk | universitair hoofddocent | Amsterdam UMC
    • Herma Wichman | coach
    • Jannah Wijffels | bewustzijnstrainer, vernieuwer
    • Anjali Wijnhoven | student geneeskunde UU
    • Paula Wolthers | Verslavingszorg Noord-Nederland
    • Bram Zuur | maag- darm- leverarts | initiatiefnemer van de oproep duurzame zorgpensioenen


    Religieus en levensbeschouwelijk

    Op persoonlijke titel

    • C.T. Benard | predikant | Protestantse Kerk
    • Waltraut Stroh | Werkgroep Groene Lukas | Lukaskerk Den Haag









    Energiecoöperaties /lokale transitie


    Op persoonlijke titel

    • Reindert Augustijn | Manager Intensifying Climate Action
    • Ralien Bekkers | internationaal klimaatadviseur
    • Reinier van den Berg | weerman | klimaatspecialist
    • Marcel Beukeboom | klimaatgezant
    • Maurits Groen | ondernemer
    • Kees Klomp | founder THRIVE Institute
    • Ruud Koornstra | Nationale Energiecommissaris
    • Yeliz Mert | Country Partner Manager | B Lab Europe
    • Eva Rovers | schrijver | mede-oprichter Bureau Burgerberaad
    • Michel Scholte | Minister van de Nieuwe Economie
    • Werner Schouten | Voorzitter Jonge Klimaatbeweging
    • Jan van de Venis | Waarnemend Ombudspersoon Toekomstige Generaties
    • Arnold Beekes | innovator
    • Randy Benjamins | business coach
    • Theo Bergonje | energieadviseur
    • Louise Boelens | op transitie expeditie
    • Saskia Bogaart | freelance copywriter o.a. voor Klimaatmoeders
    • Marja Bogaarts | GroenErwt-Transpharmacie
    • Lennart Van Der Burg | Climatecoach4u
    • Sharona Ceha | klimaatverbinder
    • Heloise Della Vedova | Pen, Papier, Plan
    • Widoere Djelantik | adviseur Staatsbosbeheer
    • Ad van Dortmont | sr. adviseur Plan NL
    • Sven Duyx | praktisch idealist, innovator, SDG-driven
    • Niels Feder | medewerker fruitteelt
    • Eric Ferguson | consultant energie en ontwikkeling
    • Marc van Gemert | senior adviseur lokale overheid
    • Maarten van der Giessen | Adviseur Energie Transitie
    • Wendy Gooren | zakelijk leider Sense of Place
    • Laurie Hermans | cultureel antropoloog |TNO
    • Merit Hindriks, pleitbezorger & campaigner (internationale) klimaatrechtvaardigheid
    • Arjan van den Hoogen | Sr. duurzaamheidsadviseur
    • Marielle Horst-Gussenhoven | Wholebrands
    • Jan Juffermans | Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie en Werkgroep Voetafdruk Nederland
    • Tom Keek | strategisch adviseur omgevingsbeleid
    • Mayke van Keep | Issuemakers
    • Liane van Klaveren | strategisch adviseur communicatie
    • Roeland Kneppers | Coöperatie Bergen Energie (BE)
    • Lieneke Knuyt | Klimaattrainer Knuyt Training en Advies
    • Lani Kok | beleidsmedewerker circulaire economie
    • Pauline van der Kolk | projectleider Expeditie van betekenis
    • Jan Korff de Gidts, regionaal burgerinitiatief Kracht van Utrecht
    • Nico Landsman | Zeeland Bruist
    • Maiken Larsen | Facilitator en communicatiepersoon
    • Roy Laseroms | adviseur water, natuur en milieu, LWRO
    • Lennart van der Linde | projectleider Klimaat en Energie | Duurzaam Den Haag
    • Sanne Meelker | projectleider warmtetransitie
    • Bernhard Merkx | Greenwave Plastic
    • Kirsten Notten | directeur Kennis en Community
    • Willemien Op den Orth | tolk-vertaalster
    • Suzanne Oudmaijer | milieucoördinator
    • Emmy Pater | Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability
    • Frank Peters | beleidsmedewerker
    • Hans Peters | MVO professional
    • Rick van der Pol | Bouwkundig adviseur
    • Boris Polm | Adviseur Innovatief ondernemerschap
    • Anton Remmers | Bouwkundig ingenieur en Energiecooperatie Boerakker
    • Bert Rorije | generalist sociale impact en duurzaamheid
    • Menno Schermer | Kartrekker van participatie Menno Schermer Managament
    • drs. Marion J.T. Schobre | Marvicon
    • Flip Schrameijer | socioloog
    • Robin van der Sluijs | Adviseur Duurzaamheid & Klimaatcoach
    • Gijs Spoor | sociaal ondernemer
    • Elmar Theune | secretaris Coöperatie ValleiEnergie
    • Kyra van de Valk (MSc) | Strategisch adviseur duurzaamheid
    • Wendy van Ulden |Teamcoach en Burgerberaad enthousiasteling
    • Jos Verhagen | energiecoach
    • Dick Verheul | redacteur Groene Verhalen
    • Jaap Verhoeff | RVO
    • Pauline Westendorp | energiecommissaris Amsterdam
    • Liesbeth Willemsen | duurzaamheidsconsulent
    • Tjitske Ypma | senior beleidsmedewerker | ministerie van I&W
    • Leo van Zanten | duurzame les, langer leefbare planeet


    Namens organisatie

    Op persoonlijke titel

    • Arina Angerman, Social Media 4 Boomers
    • Henk van As, gepensioneerd
    • Willem Boerma, beleidsmedewerker
    • Ursula Brinkmann, Intercultural Business Improvement BV
    • Ruth de Bruin, communicatieadvies
    • Marjon Castelijns, consultant
    • Paul Cornelisse, gepensioneerd mechanical architect ASML
    • Peter Dresmé, bezorgde burger
    • Joost Jan, chauffeur
    • Stan Janssen
    • Jos Koekkoek, senior inkoper ICT
    • Annemarijn Koop, L&D professional
    • Elbert van Remmerden, senior informatiebeheer, gemeente Het Hogeland
    • Adrian Ros, IT-medewerker
    • Arno Rozendaal, online content specialist
    • Nico Schoen
    • Tycho Simmers, meubelmaker
    • Tim Toornvliet, Hoofd Communicatie
    • Gythe van der Veer, Communicatieprofessional
    • Sandra van Vliet, communicatiespecialist
    • Bart de Vries, informatiespecialist


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